This is a work in cololobration with my friend Anastasija Romanchuka. Both of our main interests are certainly lying in film production nevertheless we were both interested in exploring some other areas in our subject. Since this module is all about being experimental, it was perfect for us to try photography. The fascination of telling a story within a single second, to see the beauty caught and frozen in its very moment.
Find more details on the blog.
For our Experimental project we have decided to work collaborative on the series of pictures. Our main idea was to create milk clothes. After making the first picture we had the idea to focus manly on body parts. We wanted it to look like a fictional promotion by textile company advertising for their new underwear collection. We focused on body parts below the neck, comparable to pictures on underwear packaging.
We also wanted to experiment with different liquids and colours. There was not much time in the studio to be really creative but we made some shoots with paint. It is considerable expensive compared to milk, in order to avoid any large scale skin problems and maintain the already extended budget we decided to make this shot just with hands and arms.
I learned quite a lot during the production of our pictures. After every shooting we already started to compose the dresses in Photoshop. The experience I could gather helped us to improve the conditions at the set for the next shooting.
The postproduction consumed quite large amount of time. We got better with each picture we made; nevertheless the outcome of the final result depended mostly on how it was shoot. That showed me again how important it his to maintain a good quality already at the shooting and not try to enhance it in postproduction. Editing offers a lot of improvement however it cannot substitute a good shot. For example it would have been easier to shoot the pictures brighter and then darken them down later, this would offer more shadow and light modifications.